Monday, November 17, 2008


MOLDI - yes it is (apparently CRAPI was already taken - not to be flip but the site is poorly designed). HOWEVER it is nice to have access to downloadable audiobooks. Once one gets past the moldy interface, including the sometimes frustrating search for available titles, this tool speedily downloads to non-iPod devices.

Oh, excuse me, what's that you say? You CAN download to an iPod? Well, yes but with a huge caveat: iPod and iPhone customers using the Overdrive Download Stations (ODS) for MP3 titles must set their device and iTunes on their home computer to manual sync before using the ODS. Failure to do this will wipe out any music or video on their Apple device (though the files can be restored from their home computer).

Oh poop!

Maybe that's not a huge roadblock for technogeeks but it's a daunting task for newbies to geek gadgets and it reinforces the perception that the world of technology is still too hard and user unfriendly for the uninitiated. Playaway anyone?

1 comment:

Dan Muzyka said...

Yeah, you are so right! Pretty CRAPI indeed. I'll have to take a look at the new MP3 download feature and figure out how to get those onto my iPod safely.